phrases are a play on words
What will follow here, is a selection of brief phrases concerning various situations of life. They might be funny or frightful, they might be serious or sad, they might be thoughtful or tough.
The main purpose however, will be to make you think, be reminded of something or maybe inspire you to change something that you always wanted to change.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Don't hate something you don't understand.
How can you explain something that you cannot even understand yourself?
They push you until they find the point at which you break. You can't break me. I don't have a breaking point.
The only thing I know: ever since I met you, I stopped using the word 'never'.
You must find it hard to trust anyone now. - You asked me if I trusted you. You are the first person I have told any of this to, about who I am or what, so yes, I trust you.
Don't make it worse by thinking it's more painful than it actually is.
If you don't know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!
Never say that a piece of writing is bad or not worth sharing. Writing is art and art is always something that lies in the eye of the beholder.
Don’t waste your time on that. Believe me, one day you will wake up and you will realise that time is running and that you haven’t even started learning to walk yet.